Carlsberg - Euro UEFA 2016

Programmation musicale The Shoes — Lancement du partenariat Euro UEFA Carlsberg.

• Contexte : soirée de lancement du partenariat Euro UEFA Carlsberg.

• Brief : sélection musicale.

• Mission : programmation musicale et booking contractuel.

• Résultat : Carlsberg a convié 1500 journalistes et influenceurs pour l'événement, dancefloor enflammé avec un DJ set d’anthologie du duo The Shoes.

Musical programming of The Shoes — Launch of the UEFA Euro-Carlsberg partnership

• Context: launch party for the EUFA Euro-Carlsberg partnership

• Brief: musical curation

• Mission: musical programming and contractual booking

• Result: Carlsberg attracted 1,500 journalists and influencers to the event, the dance floor was on fire with an anthology DJ set by the duo The Shoes